Spicy, sweet, steamy, hot, mild, vanilla: All of these are various words used to describe the “heat level” to a romance novel or series. What do they even mean? And in the reviews, readers often leave infamous chili peppers or flames
to express to one another what “heat level” the romance story hot for them. So what is the heat level?
Heat levels or spice in a romance is often in reference to the sexual content. This implies how often you get a racy scene but as well as how intense, long, or level of description you may be getting out of these intimate rumble in the sheets moments with the characters in a story.
Sometimes we can guess based on the genre and tropes a romance novel has. For example, erotica is going to be an instant heat level of 6 whereas smalltown christian romance is going to be a 1 or 2 max. Dark Mafia? Motorcycle Rebel? Expect 4-6! Rom-com or paranormal romance? Depends on the darkness and can range on averaging 3-5!
As an author, we often struggle to communicate what we wrote and where it falls in this insane system that has developed among readers. So, let’s take a look at what each level looks like from the story or camera angle readers are seeing these lovey dovey or intimately racy moments.
Heat Level 1 
Aww! They’re holding hands, flirting, and at last kissed! Camera can’t follow them through the door.
This is where we get those describers of sweet, wholesome, clean, and more. We also see this as the first time in love stories typically more common in Juvenile Fiction or romance stories for Christian Fiction.

Heat Level 2 

Oh she’s making out with her crush and they’re dating now! Camera can see through the open door before lights out.
Now we are getting to make out and have public displays of affection. Again, we are still in that younger audience, or readers who want the romance vibe without the need to see the naughtier bits. Most authors writing here have a sweeter ambience to their stories and a lot more character development and drama unfolding.

Heat Level 3 

Making out, talking about sex, touchy feely – things are happening. Camera is following them to the bed; clothes are coming off – OH! Lights out!
This is the most common middle ground for a good chunk of authors and books that use romance as a subgenre. We are having some really adult moments, out of wedlock encounters, and talking dirty isn’t off the table. Granted, the naughty bits get rather close and heavy before lights go out and jerk us forward to the next morning and the aftermath of complicated character and plot development that it ties into.

Heat Level 4 

Oh they are going to do this! I see bras and panties. Things are thrown to the floor. The lights are on, but Camera can’t zoom in.
Let’s preheat the oven and let things bake. Now we are taking out time, really showing the body language and chemistry slower and in greater detail. This is your spicy or steamy romance reads who are pulling sexual content more into the plot or as something a character needs to explore themselves or the love interests being presented. We can follow to the bed, but the details are fuzzy and refined. Language and vocabulary may be limited but more daring in comparison to heat level 3.

Heat Level 5 

Camera is in the room, and they are naked and talking dirty. There’s a few explicits and even words like “cock” and “pussy” – WOW!
Now we are in kinky, dark romance, romance erotica, and things skirting at the edge of erotica as a genre. These sometimes will be labeled both in Romance categories as well as Erotica because they have thinned the line between the two. The naughty bits still sit second place or lower as for plot focus, but it’s become a huge element of the story. The vocabulary is vulgar and brash, the scenes daring and if you weren’t fanning yourself before this, you are now. Get ready to sweat, blush, and hide where no one can read over your shoulders more so than ever before.
Heat Level 6 
Camera is there with a whole crew, asking for a leg to move so they can see how things are going into other things. This could be a guide to how to have sex with so many details. Wait, where’d that whip come from?
Unapologetic smut. Sex is the plot and is often a huge part of the world or characters goals, motivations, and conflict. Getting laid varies in many ways, but this is close up, play-by-play, and there’s not much left for the imagination to know exactly where that hand went and what they did once they reached their destination! Fanning and heart thumping, these books are meant to entertain and invoke arousal in the reader themselves much like their visual compadres on the dark, naughty side of the interwebs. That doesn’t mean you can’t find enriching stories, immaculate writing, and amazing character development even with intercourse served as the main course of the plot. Just remember, much like their visual brethren, it’s not recommended to try to reenact what you read.