Alan Berkshire

Originally from the UK now resident in the USA having received American Citizenship in June 2023.

Alan Berkshire, a born gypsy has traveledtravelled a great deal of the world, now dividing his time between Austin, Texas and Monterrey, Mexico. He has a great love for books, movies and all things wild. A lifelong Pagan which is reflected a great deal in his art. (See

He has written all his life, mainly for his own edification and is now proud to show the ramblings of his darkest mind to the world. (See The Jungle Series) He Enjoys writing in various genres, Dystopian, Horror, Sci-Fi, Epic Fantasy and Young Adult.

He has a great zest for life and is working hard to walk tall in the halls of literature and to one day bring the perfect villain to life.

The Jungle Series