The Shadowless (The Dadirri Saga #3)


The earth has become a wasteland as a result of humanity’s mistreatment of it. The sky has been dark for as long as anyone can remember, covered in an infinite roiling mass called The Everstorm. There are no trees. There is no grass. There is no hope.


Unless, that is, you’re one of the priveleged who live in the protected cities beneath the domes. In these cities there are trees, parks full of vibrant grass, even waterfalls. All thanks to the wonders of solar energy, harvested by those outside of the domes when violent tornadoes tear the sky asunder and allow sunlight through.

Shipley Boden is a low-life working his way into the good graces of the Citizens, hoping one day to be allowed a living space under the protective dome. But when he stumbles upon an orphaned girl in the ruins of the past, he decides to deliver her to the nearest settlement and be done with it. Unfortunately for him, things don’t ever go as planned.

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