The West Haven Undead (The West Haven Undead #3)


After Jack’s death, the young Legends of West Haven are forced to face the changing landscapes of their lives.


A mysterious stranger called Ashby is selling promises of self empowerment to the town’s misguided youth via a mysterious drug which seems to be doing more harm than good. As the death rate rises, Ashby arms himself with lies that could destroy The Nation.

With the adults distracted by their own problems surrounding The Nation, the Legends will have to reach out to the Normals Duncan and Rex to help track down the elusive drug dealer. The team falters, however, as Bri and Duncan’s relationship grows stronger; something not lost on Allison, who still struggles with feelings for Bri.

Together, the friends must help Rex through his revelation that West Haven is not as quiet as it seems, stop Ashby, and overcome their own insecurities about who they are before believing the falsehoods they are told.

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Nick Savage

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