Celebrating all wizarding & magical things. This event will feature all types of magical vendors, activities, costume contest, professor dance off on stage, sorting hat ceremony, kids activities, music, and more!
Attending Authors:
Maria DeVivo
Get your tickets here: https://bartowcon.com/ols/products/end-of-summer-a-sorting-hat-celebration
GalaxyCon Raleigh is a 4-Day FESTIVAL OF FANDOM with celebrities, artists, writers, voice actors, cosplayers, entertainers, creators, wrestlers, fan groups, panelists, and PEOPLE LIKE YOU! Join fans from across the galaxy and celebrate Comic Books, Pop Culture, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Anime, Gaming, Cosplay, and more!
Attending Authors:
Megan Mackie
Danielle M Orsino
Leslie Sommers
AK Ramirez
C.R. Rice
Get your tickets here: https://galaxycon.com/pages/galaxycon-raleigh-tickets
Northeast Florida’s premier Sci-fi, Fantasy, Gaming, Music, Cosplay & Fandom convention!
Attending Authors:
Nick Savage
Get your tickets here: https://www.ancientcitycon.com/tickets
Tampa Bay Comic Convention is a comic book convention located in Tampa, Florida. Tampa Bay Comic Convention is Tampa’s largest, true comic convention. Featured are exhibitors that cater to a wide-spectrum of interests including comic books, magazines, toys, games, Star Wars, Star Trek, anime, manga, cosplay, artwork, sketches and apparel. In addition, a roster of comic industry professionals, and comicdom-related celebrities are in attendance for attendees to meet and greet. As admission is kept reasonable for adults and FREE for children, the Tampa Bay Comic Convention is a family-friendly convention.
Attending Authors:
Amanda Fasciano
Mark Muncy
Nick Savage
Steve Altier
Artist Alley Table E8, Panels Friday at 6pm and Saturday at 11am
Maria DeVivo
Artist Alley Table B2, Panels on Friday at 6pm, Saturday at 11am, and Saturday at 12:30pm
Get your tickets here: https://purchase.growtix.com/eh/Tampa_Bay_Comic_Convention_2023