Looking for a new composition book for your class? The faculty at Hillsborough Community College decided that none of the publishers had what our students needed, so we wrote our own book that meets the needs of today’s students.
Composition & Grammar is an easy to use, ADA-compliant textbook that includes useful overviews, practice exercises, and student samples.
Take a look at the Table of Contents to see what is included in the textbook:
- Part 1: Reading
- Ch 1 Active Reading Techniques
- Ch 2 Reading Comprehension Strategies
- Part 2: Writing Process
- Ch 3 Writing Situation
- Ch 4 Writing as Exploration
- Ch 5 Planning/ Prewriting
- Ch 6 Outlines
- Ch 7 Thesis Statements
- Ch 8 Introductions
- Ch 9 Conclusions
- Ch 10 Organization
- Ch 11 Drafting, Revising, & Editing
- Part 3: Modes and Types of Writing
- Ch 12 Writing Modes
- Ch 12.1 Narration
- Ch 12.2 Description
- Ch 12.3 Exemplification
- Ch 12.4 Definition
- Ch 12.5 Classification/Division
- Ch 12.6 Process
- Ch 12.8 Cause & Effect
- Ch 12.9 Argumentation
- Ch 13 Types of Writing
- Part 4: Grammar
- Ch 14 Parts of Speech
- Ch 14.1 Nouns
- Ch 14.2 Verbs
- Ch 14.3 Adjectives
- Ch 14.4 Adverbs
- Ch 14.5 Prepositions
- Ch 14.6 Pronouns
- Ch 14.7 Conjunctions
- Ch 14.8 Interjections
- Ch 15 Sentence Structure
- Ch 15.1 Parts of a Sentence
- Ch 15.2 Types, Patterns, & Structure
- Ch 15.3 Coordination & Subordination
- Ch 15.4 Modifiers
- Ch 15.5 Parallelism
- Ch 16 Punctuation
- Ch 16.1 End Punctuation
- Ch 16.2 Commas
- Ch 16.3 Semicolons
- Ch 16.4 Colons
- Ch 16.5 Apostrophes
- Ch 16.6 Hyphens
- Ch 16.7 Dashes & Parentheses
- Ch 16.8 Ellipses & Brackets
- Ch 16.9 Quotation Marks & Italics
- Ch 17 Common Errors
- Ch 17.1 Verb Errors
- Ch 17.2 Pronoun Problems
- Ch 17.3 Run-on/Fused Sentences
- Ch 17.4 Comma Splices
- Ch 17.5 Sentence Fragments s
- Ch 17.6 Mixed Sentences
- Ch 17.7 Commonly Confused Words
- Ch 18 Style
- Ch 18.1 Person
- Ch 18.2 Voice
- Ch 18.3 Diction
- Ch 18.4 Clarity & Conciseness
- Ch 18.5 Tone
- Ch 19 Reference Overview
- Ch 19.1 Numbers
- Ch 19.2 Abbreviations
- Ch 19.3 Capitalization
- Part 5: Research
- Ch 20 Plagiarism
- Ch 21 The Research Process
- Ch 22 Finding Sources
- Ch 23 Integrating Sources
- Ch 24 MLA Format
- Ch 25 APA Format
We live in a world of words.
The way we interact with our fellow humans is very often based on the language that always surrounds us, whether it be the messages we send, the news we read, or the assignments we complete in classes that give us the education intended to lead us to success.
What might be the best way to navigate the complexity of language, especially in a first-year composition course? This book addresses these issues by presenting lessons, examples, and student samples through an approach that is friendly, conversational, and realistic.
Created by actual instructors of composition at HCC, this book includes many resources to guide composition students of different skill levels:
- In-depth overviews of reading, writing, and revising
- Engaging exercises that anticipate and address the most common errors of writers
- Actual student samples that provide the basis of class discussions and analysis
With guidance that includes both theory and practice, Composition and Grammar for HCC by HCC provides students with the skills they need for their educational goals, their careers, and their lives.