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Welcome to My World

“The Black Dust fell, and the world changed…”

Welcome to the world of THE JUNGLE SERIES.

As an author I followed one of the main tenets in writing, and that is, always write about what you know. Though the JUNGLE SERIES is a work of dystopian fiction, all four novels are set in the “real” world, the world I grew up in.

Southeast England is a beautiful part of the United Kingdom, the places I write about are real places, though some of the names have been changed. The same with the third novel, [LINDA’S STORY] which is mainly set in Ireland. The fourth novel [GENOCIDE] incorporates most of the U.K. especially Scotland, a wild, exciting land.

A lot of the characters are based on people I have met, people that have stuck in my memory. I have a lot of fun giving them new personas, making them dance to a new tune. Turning them into heroes or villains, colourful, whimsical characters that inhabit a real world, my world.

The world[s] I create have to be real, they have to resonate, give the characters stability, a purpose, and a home. It gives them a reason to fight. 

You are invited into my world, come meet Adam Blake, Linda Stephens, Charlie… They’re just ordinary people like you and me, in an extraordinary situation. You probably already know people who are just like them, everyday people, until they’re not.

This new world is a dangerous place, every day is a fight for survival, death lurks behind every tree, every bush. Real monsters lurk in the woodlands, in the forests, the plant life seeks your death, sentient, evil, patiently waiting for the unwary.

It’s also a beautiful place, where true friendships are born, where everyone comes together with one purpose, one goal, working together, for the common good. Love blossoms, bonds are forged, despite the terror that continually assails them. They are strong in the knowledge that whatever challenges they face they will face together, as friends, as brothers and sisters, as a family.

Welcome to my world, make yourself at home, I will tell you a story….

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