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Writing is HARD! – You Are Not Alone

If I had a dollar for every person who approached me and said “I want to write a book” or “I’m writing a book” and then years later nothing came from it, I would have a nice new car.

You might think I am exaggerating but the truth is that very few people who want to write a book actually end up doing so. 

There are several reasons for this, but one I want to touch on today is that writing can appear to be a VERY lonely activity. It is true for the most part that most writers, including myself, do best in certain circumstances to write. I work best from my desktop PC, in my office with Viking music playing. 

Writing is also one of the easiest things in your life to set aside as it is a hobby for most and not something like a puzzle that is staring you in the face or a gym membership that is charging you every month so you are reminded that it is waiting for you.

There is a widely held belief that it takes six weeks to form a habit. What you need to do if you want to write a book is form a habit. With that said, there is a universal formula as a writer to actually get the book done. Want to know what it is?


I know that may seem silly but the truth is that the only way you will complete a book or story is to put the words on the page. This means you have to schedule some time to write and stick to this schedule. This alone can be a monumental task. I understand as I wrestle with this all the time.

This is why we created the Author’s Accountability Guide. It is a guidebook to help you create your goals, your schedule and actually track your progress.

It has helpful Muse’s to assist on your journey and we also created a Facebook group so you can connect with other authors and join a community of people just like you who are writers and simply need to get their stories completed and out into the world!

To start you on your journey use the coupon code: 4HP10 and order the book from us directly here:

Join our Facebook group and find others just like you!