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It’s NaNo Time!

The 4 Horsemen want to help make this NaNo a success. In the spirit of writing your heart out, please find a sample of our Author’s Accountability Planner designed specifically for NaNo!

No matter your location in the world, you can participate in NaNoWriMo. Starting in September and October, many library systems host special events in conjunction with local NaNoWriMo chapters to help prepare participants for this special event.

Every November, writers can connect with resources, networks, and events online and within their region. Signing up on the NaNoWriMo website, whether you plan to participate or not, keeps you informed on what’s happening online and locally throughout the year. The website connects you with your NaNoWriMo home region, allowing you to follow calendars, hop in forum discussions, and so much more, like year-round online sprints and NaNoWriMo Camp sessions in months that might be more aligned with your schedule and outside of holiday seasons. You may not be writing the novel in November, but that doesn’t mean you can’t join festivities and workshops!

We strongly believe writing isn’t a solitary venture, but an opportunity to build a writing community anywhere, both physically and virtually!