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Writing is Hard!

Join the Accountable Authors Community – Because Writing is Hard!

Let’s be Accountable together!

We’d like to invite you to join the 4HP Accountable Authors Group on Discord. There. You now have joined an author’s community filled with folks who are actively trying to stay accountable! Become a Member to interact with a community vetted and designed to help you build accountability. See below for a list of paid features. Many of the events and webinars are adjacent with the themes found in The Author’s Accountability Planner and Writing Prompts to Keep You Accountable books.

Join now for access to the following:

Curated resources

  • Links to vetted resources to help in all stages of your writing journey
  • Muse-created videos and group streams covering weekly topics
  • A detailed reading list to build your skills
  • Timely articles and useful blogs

Interactive Chat and Voice Channels

Post questions and comments to fellow authors. Get feedback from Muses and other industry professionals. Meet cool people. Make some writer friends who understand!

Chat Channels

  • Information: Announcements, Welcome and Rules, and FAQs
  • General: Member News and Events, Writing, Work in Progress, Writing is Hard, Open Mic, Ideas and Feedback, and Resources
  • Muses Q&A: Book Design, Editorial, and Marketing

Voice Channels

  • Lounge, Office Hours, Small Conference Room, Pantser Room, Plotter Room, Genre Rooms
  • Event Channels: Open Mic/Webinars, The Spring Room, and The Writing Room 

These are just to name a few!

You can check out our Accountable Authors Community Here:

Find our books to help you on your writing journey here:

Accountable Authors Guide:

Writing Prompts:

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VIP Pass for Mothman in Love Collectors Editions

At long last, the Mothman in Love Trilogy is getting a complete fairy-tale ending with Collector’s Edition Hardcovers coming February 2025

Be one of the first to get your hands on these Collectors Editions by becoming a Mothman VIP!!!

You have until the 31st!!!

If you haven’t discovered this sweet and spicy romance featuring the most amazing love interest—Mothman—you’ve been missing out! Join us as we bring to life a gorgeous fairy-tale vibe hardcover collection for fans of both Paige Lavoie and Moth himself.

Mothman in Love Trilogy

The Mothman in Love Trilogy is a wonderful romance story about a burnt-out influencer who finds love in the most unlikely of places—on the roof of the isolated cabin she rented for some much needed cottagecore time to herself. 

This offset hardcover edition with fairy-tale vibes includes the following features:

  • Soft touch matte cover
  • Smythe Sewn spine for durability
  • Art Cameo on back cover
  • Exclusive Kickstarter cover and interior typeset designs
  • Metallic foil to add shiny parts on titling, font, and the flowers


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Why I Wrote How to Eat Like a Normal Person

A Dietitian on a Mission

How to Eat Like a Normal Person was the resource I needed when I was in the midst of my battle with disordered eating. For over a decade, I was so desperate to be thin that I’d consume nothing but diet books encouraging me to cut carbs, skip breakfast, and suppress my roaring appetite with a glass of warm lemon water. 

From middle school to young adulthood, I couldn’t enjoy a slice of pizza or a bag of movie theater popcorn without obsessing about the calories. While I exercised daily, my routine was anything but healthy. On an empty stomach, I’d sprint, lift, and pedal on the elliptical until I was ready to pass out. Once I was home, I’d chug a protein shake and choke down dry chicken… just to later binge on an entire sleeve of low fat cookies and microwavable Lean Pockets (yuck!)

Afterwards, I’d feel immense guilt. To make up for my binge, I’d try to “eat clean,” reduce my calories to 1200, or go keto. I’d follow whatever plan for a couple of weeks and even lose a few pounds but inevitably, I’d give up and order Chinese take-out.

What’s wrong with me? I’d think but never say aloud. How come everyone else can stick to a diet, but I can’t? 

Little did I know, hardly anyone was actually sticking to their diet. And nothing was wrong with any of us! We were simply led to believe eating less and moving more was the secret to losing weight and keeping it off. It was not until I ditched this mentality and began fueling my body that I was able to heal my relationship to food while reaching my goals.

As a registered dietitian with 7 years of experience, I’ve heard hundreds of stories from women who’ve also battled binge eating, emotional eating, yo-yo dieting, and body dysmorphia. They’re all-or-nothing with food- either they’re following a strict plan or completely off the rails with their eating habits. The more diets they follow, the more confused they become about how and what to eat. Unfortunately, their shame keeps many of them quiet and stuck in restrictive eating patterns until they seek out help.

Countless times an exhausted dieter has sat in my office and said, I’m done dieting- I just want to eat like a normal freakin’ person!

In an effort to help more women feel less alone in their struggles and find peace with food, I wrote How to Eat Like A Normal Person. This book is not another dry manual instructing women to “eat this, avoid that.” Rather, it’s a collection of stories and strategies that teach readers how to adopt a balanced diet they can stick to for life.

The concepts in How to Eat Like a Normal Person transformed my clients’ relationship to food as well as my own, so I wanted to bring them to women who may not have access to a registered dietitian. My mission is to help readers feel confident, boost their energy, and experience control around food for perhaps the first time in their entire lives. After applying the strategies in this interactive workbook, readers will never need to diet again!

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Need a Complete Series: The Wolves of Wharton

Do you love to dive into an amazing series?

We have the ultimate Horror, Spice, Gore and LGBTQIA+ series for you: 

There are 6 books so far or in this complete series.

Check out book one The Beast Beside Me here:

A wolf shifter. A cute Barista. A gruesome murder…

After a murder threatens to expose the wolf pack, Angus Chilton leads them across the country to thwart being discovered. When they settle in a place where he harbors bucolic childhood memories, Angus meets Hunter Bailey, a handsome, human barista. Primal emotions are stirred as the danger rises, after all, he’s a human and he’s a wolf. Can he really drag him from the world of coffee to one filled with blood?

Angus and Hunter are drawn together by shared trauma and similarly problematic ex-lovers. But can Angus keep Hunter safe when his murderous, impulsive, and jealous ex-boyfriend catches wind of their burgeoning relationship? Conversely, can Hunter keep Angus safe from his own? Fangs revealed, blood will spill as throats are literally ripped open mercilessly.

Readers looking for werewolf horror vibes with a romance in the backseat will find the Wolves of Wharton series perfect as we explore a variety of relationships, past and present, involving a pack of wolves willing to do everything it takes to protect their own.

You can order this book  in all formats directly from our 4HP Website and receive 10% OFF using coupon code 4HP10!

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Release Day: Exile of the Pan Arcanum

We are excited for the release of His Last Name by D. Lambert!

Before E’rth, there was Epriot Prime.

After a 40-year campaign of genocide, humanity teeters at the brink of extinction, only to find that their homeworld is ground zero for a five-sided interdimensional conflict that will leave no race unscathed.

Aided by her alien co-pilot and a sarcastic AI, fabled mech pilot Cadian Galas races to find her daughter and notify Epriot High Command of the emerging threat.

D’avry, a mage from future E’rth, has followed a thread through the eons to this time-place to find the source of his world’s woes: an alien super-entity known as the Gefkarri Pentarch. But how will D’avry get back to E’rth when he and the Epriot remnant are discovered to be the tool the Gefkarri needs to unite the races of Epriot Prime?

You can order this book  in all formats directly from our 4HP Website and receive 10% OFF using coupon code 4HP10!

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Release Day: His Last Name

We are excited for the release of His Last Name by D. Lambert!

The wizard works alone. She was his one exception.

Before Master Kitable appeared in Galanth at the age of thirteen, he’d been a complete unknown. Even twenty years later, he is still only “Master Kitable,” a man without a last name, a wizard without history. He operated in the shadows for the Prince of Galanth when the borders were drawn, then helped the legendary King Tohmas take over Espar. Now, he enforces their tentative unity by policing wizard magic across the kingdom.

His offer to take Shimmer Weaver on as an apprentice after the war was unprecedented. She doesn’t fit in the new structure of government; she’s a dancer, an apothecary, and a free spirit at odds with their regimented world. But she’s also brilliant, and after two years, Kitable has to accept that her apprenticeship is ending. There’s only one more mission: a run-of-the-mill investigation of some minor magical issues in an unremarkable corner of Espar. Only this time, the enemy is Kitable’s past hunting him down, seeking to destroy everything he has built, including that which he values most: Shimmer’s loyalty.

You can order this book  in all formats directly from our 4HP Website and receive 10% OFF using coupon code 4HP10!

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Release Day: Implications & Regrets

We are excited for the release of Implications & Regrets by A. K. Ramirez!

Distance makes the heart grow fonder—especially when your admirer is a serial killer.

Detective Marissa Ambrose survived three days of torture by a serial killer, but two years later, her integrity and sanity are being called into question while her personal life is breaking apart at the seams.

After a phone call from her deceased partner’s wife, Marissa finds herself trying to unravel the cold case he left behind. Meanwhile, the serial killer she could never catch is getting ever closer…

You can order this book  in all formats directly from our 4HP Website and receive 10% OFF using coupon code 4HP10!

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Release Day: The Knight, the Gnome, and the Fox

We are excited for the release of The Knight, the Gnome, and the Fox by D. A. Spruzen!

After fighting evil throughout the ages, the goddess must face Loki once more…

Norse goddess Lin continues to relate her hair-raising memoirs to her ghost-writer Mary, including sojourns in medieval Iceland and present-day Denmark. As always, she leaves her mark wherever she goes. Another unwelcome survivor of Ragnarok turns up, leading the family to lock horns with Loki once more. Who will prevail?

You can order this book  in all formats directly from our 4HP Website and receive 10% OFF using coupon code 4HP10!

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Be Accountable to Yourself

We often say that writing is a lonely business, and media likes to show the image of the author hidden away in a secluded cabin or locked inside an apartment manically typing away without any interruption from the outside world–and sometimes that is true. But other times, writers feel the need to connect with others who understand their struggle. That’s why having a writing community is so important. 

Just like setting goals, having a community of writers can support accountability, much like having a gym buddy makes it harder to skip leg day. If you’re looking to share space with likeminded people, to have a ready sounding board for writing-related questions, or even just to vent about those times when writing is hard, the Author’s Accountability server might be the place you seek. Designed by writers for writers, this Discord server has resources like guided writing sessions, but more importantly, it’s a space to connect with others and simply talk about writing, whatever that means to you. 

Check out the Accountability Author’s Discord Server now for a free Guest account. Guests can see all posts and listen to all voice channels, but they cannot participate. If you like what you see and hear, you can upgrade to a paid membership (only $14.99/month) and join the conversation. See below for a full list of benefits for Members!

Tired of writing in isolation? Need others to keep you on track or give feedback on that scene you just wrote? Join a community of writers just like you and stay accountable to yourself. 

Become a Member for full access to the following:

Curated resources

  • Links to vetted resources to help in all stages of your writing journey
  • Muse-created videos and group streams covering weekly topics
  • A detailed reading list to build your skills
  • Timely articles and useful blogs

Interactive Chat and Voice Channels

Post questions and comments to fellow authors. Get feedback from Muses and other industry professionals. Meet cool people. Make some writer friends who understand!

Chat Channels

  • Information: Announcements, Welcome and Rules, and FAQs
  • General: Member News and Events, Writing, Work in Progress, Writing is Hard, Open Mic, Ideas and Feedback, and Resources
  • Muses Q&A: Book Design, Editorial, and Marketing

Voice Channels

  • Lounge, Office Hours, Small Conference Room, Pantser Room, Plotter Room, Genre Rooms
  • Event Channels: Open Mic/Webinars, The Spring Room, and The Writing Room 

Weekly Guided Sprinting and Writing Sessions

A Muse will help you stay accountable every day!

  • Daily Timed Sprint Sessions (All times listed are EST)
  • Daily Writing Hours (to hunker down and WRITE with fellow authors)
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The Author’s Accountability Planner 2025

In 2025, the Author’s Accountability Planner is getting an upgrade!

Meeting your writing goals can feel like an uphill climb.  Often, we rely on friends, workshops, critique partners, and mentors to keep us moving. But when they ask, “How’s the book coming?” do you find yourself thinking, “I should have written more!” 

This planner was written for authors by authors. We’re here to help, encourage, and keep you on task as we scale that narrative mountain together.

Yes, it’s a planner, but not just any planner.

The detailed pages of the Author’s Accountability Planner were designed for fiction and nonfiction authors of all levels to outline an entire year of writing. It contains inspiration, scalable graphs, and valuable checkpoints. There are introspective questions about your personal method and places to stop and take a break when you need one. We’ve designed a tool to spark creative energy and manifest productivity, 

What can you accomplish with the Author’s Accountability Planner?

– A Full Year of Writing

– Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Planning

– Tracking Your Word Count and other Milestones

– Adapting Goal Setting Tools

– Completing Unique Writing Prompts

– Achieving Narrative Objectives

– Discovering Inspiration Through Thought Activities

– Joining an Interactive Community

– Turning Your Passion into Progress

Think of us as your muses, guiding you from that spark of inspiration to a complete manuscript. You have a story to tell, and the world deserves to hear it.

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